For the woman who wants to live her life and run her business rooted in God.


“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

What I do

I teach women how to monetize their skills and grow a profitable online business through social media that glorifies God from home.

My Foundation

I serve from a place of my Christian Faith. This means that I will use biblical foundations, scripture, and my relationship with God to best support you in growing a sustainable Faith-led Online Business.

“I’ve been working with Jess for 6 months and my life and my business have expanded so much since. My sessions with Jess were such a highlight in my week - she is loving, playful, supportive, and tapped in and I felt like every session was like hanging out with a sister filled with juicy downloads. She has such a graceful ability to see through blockages and call you to your power. She gave me the permission I thought I needed to run my business in a way that feels like such a turn on. I have become so much more confident charging what I desire and as a result started hitting 5 figure months! Jess’s container is so much more than business coaching though- she held me through some deep trauma work and relationship work with so much love. I love you, Jess. You’re such a gift to this world!”

- Maya


⍜ Challenging and growing outside of our comfort zones

⍜ Authenticity and expressing our unique talents, gifts, and abilities

⍜ Meeting you exactly where you are at and orienting you towards higher ideals

⍜ Living out our purpose and identity that is found in God

⍜ Biblical life living and building a life on God’s will

⍜ Radical honesty


The bigger picture of my work is encouraging women to share their faith with confidence, teach them how to build and run their God-glorifying businesses without sacrificing their femininity and nervous systems, and for mothers and future mothers to build businesses that will allow them to raise their children while still being able to provide financially for their households.

What I support you with


⍜ Restoring and building a relationship with God

⍜ Creating healthy habits/routine for a thriving life

⍜ Overcoming self sabotage

⍜ Encouragement to share faith

⍜ Creating work/life balance

⍜ Honoring God’s design of your feminine nature

⍜ Bringing more fun, play, and lightness into your life

⍜ Overcoming anxiety/fears/confusion

⍜ Emotional processing from traumatic pasts

⍜ Sexual trauma/abuse

⍜ Healing the father wound

⍜ Abandonment and/or heartbreak

⍜ Restoring holy sexuality, purity, and innocence

⍜ Nervous system regulation

⍜ Money mindset & money trauma


⍜ Building a business from scratch

⍜ Creating business systems and structures that will support longterm

⍜ Getting clear on what you support people with (tangible or non-tangible)

⍜ Less consuming, more creating

⍜ Learning how to engage with your readers and build momentum

⍜ Accountability on your projects and goals

⍜ Self doubt/fear when it comes to having a business

⍜ Having patience, persistency, and consistency in your business

⍜ Branding and content creation

⍜ Marketing in alignment with your values and mission

⍜ Pricing offerings

⍜ Creating sustainable offerings

⍜ Scaling your business from a firm foundation

What kind of coach am I?

I’m not your average “business coach”. My intention is that our relationship could evolve into us becoming Sisters for life! I am your cheerleader, your counselor, your consultant, someone who is going to be 100% real with you and call you forward on your blind spots. I want to see you achieve your goals while also having the time of your life. I want to see you thriving in your relationship with God and exuding the radiance that comes with that. I want to support you when you’re feeling doubtful and remind you why you entered into this space in the first place!

What you receive

Weekly zoom calls

Unlimited voxer support during business hours

Access to masterclasses and course content

The Investment

Private mentorship with Jessica is available in 3, 6, or 12 month commitments.

Jessica only works with a certain amount of 1:1 clients at once. She currently has spots available. Apply below to get started.

Not yet ready to apply? Check out the free resources that Jessica has available to see what it’s like to be in her space. You can also DM her on instagram @mrsjessicawalling

Can’t wait to support you in your Faith-led Business!

Your Faith-led Business Coach, Jessica