
“When I decided to hire Jessica as my business coach, my mindset in my virtual assistant business was at a huge low. Like seriously. My time with Jessica consisted of unpacking the lies that blocked me view of the Lord as my number 1 companion in business and life. She helped me unravel those limiting beliefs and taught me how to point my business toward the Lord. I had struggled to take any action at all in my business, but Jessica gave me the tools to recognize when I drift away from the Lord and focus my intention on obeying Him in all that I do. Whether it's taking uncomfortable steps to show up on social media or making the time to build and market new offers for my audience, Jessica put a lot of my negative thinking into perspective and taught me to just DO in the Lord, not overthink. With all the mindset work we've done in our time together, I feel better prepared to tackle not only new business ventures but also personal and career-related decisions that glorify Him rather than myself. Jessica's coaching was a huge blessing in my business and cultivating a relationship with the Lord, and she'll continue to bring that light to others no matter what stage they are at with their business.”

- Alaynah, Colorado

“After just one call together, the Lord brought so much clarity to me about how He desired to execute the calling He had placed on my life years ago. I am so grateful for Jessica who not only helped me sort out the practical details of moving forward but encouraged me with so much genuine enthusiasm it kept me motivated to keep going. She was such an amazing support when some warfare came my way and was able to shine light into how the Lord was sanctifying me through the process of building this out. The work we did together multiplied as it inspired my husband to also move forward on a business idea that is now allowing him to support our family from home. Jess, I’m so grateful that the Lord has called you to do this. It truly is a blessing to receive your support and to know you!”

- Kallan, Pennslyvania

“I loved working with Jessica! We did a 4 week intensive and I truly feel like it helped me jumpstart my coaching ministry. She was very helpful in answering all my questions and providing feedback every step of the way. She helped me brainstorm and got creative with me! I loved that each call started and ended in prayer and that God was put at the center of it all. Jessica is so kind and easy to talk to. She truly puts her heart and soul into working with her clients! I highly recommend hiring her for anyone on the fence. Her skill, wisdom, guidance and experience is well worth it! She is a blessing!”

- Shana, Florida

“Working with Jessica was such a blessing to me. After my salvation, I felt called to continue in business after running a multiple six-figure business for years the worlds way, with New Age ideas. I wanted someone that I felt was sound, grounded in the Truth of God's Word. I found Jessica and I am so glad I jumped into working with her 1-1. It was a blessing to feel safe with a mentor who is spiritually on the same page and Biblically sound. Jess is anointed to walk alongside God's daughters in the building and restoration of business led by the spirit.”

- Shyla, Canada

“Before hiring Jess, I had taken a step back from coaching to re-evaluate if this was the right path for me. I asked the Lord to guide me to a faith-based coach if He wanted me to continue in coaching, and I stumbled across Jess on the explore page on Instagram! I honestly knew instantly that she was right for me, but took some time to create a connection with her before hiring her. After a few months, the Lord said it was time to take action! Working with Jess was such a new and different experience than any coach I’ve had in the past because our foundation was built on the Lord. This created so much trust, humility, ease, and simplicity in the process. Jess was really a vessel for the Holy Spirit to speak to me and help encourage me in what I was going through, not just with business, but with life and the spiritual battles that would come up. Her obedience and zeal for God is so evident, she radiates the love of Jesus! I’m seriously so so so grateful for her and know we will be sisters forever in Christ!!”

- Hannah, South Carolina

“I reached out to Jessica for coaching support because the Holy Spirit sent me a clear message: "Reach out to Jessica now!"  So, I knew there must be something special God had intended for us both. From the moment we spoke, her Holy Spirit led prayer grounded our time together, preparing us both for the much needed wisdom from heaven to be delivered. She asked questions to quickly illuminate where I was stuck, and this allowed Holy Spirit to open brand-new gateways for break-through. Her experience in Kingdom Business and supporting Christian Entrepreneurship is excellent.  I experienced many breakthroughs and revelations throughout our session and am now laser focused, clear and consistent with the assignment God has for me at this time. I needed someone skilled in Christian Business to assist me in the vision and next steps moving forward. Her coaching is precise, clear, motivating, empathetic, empowering and 100% Holy Spirit led. I highly recommend coaching transformations with Jessica. She is serving the Kingdom with integrity, keeping the focus fixed on Jesus, and the life-giving missions of His Kingdom.”

- Meisha, California

“If you are looking for a coach for your kingdom business, Jessica Torres is your girl! I have worked with so many coaches over the years, but Jessica is the best by far! Not only does she hold you accountable, but also keeps your eyes on Jesus as you build your kingdom business. She provides a safe space to share the wins and struggles going on in your life. Having Jessica as my business coach who is rooted in Christ has made a massive difference in the success of my start-up business because she teaches you to build your business on the rock, Jesus Christ. Stop looking for other coaches, Jessica is your girl!!!! I absolutely love Jessica and am SO EXCITED to work with her some more as my business grows! Thank you Jessica for being the absolute best coach!! LOVE YOU!!!!!“

- Brianne, Texas

“Jessica! Thank you SO much for our coaching session. After years of going back and forth, trying strategies, and not really asking God for clarity - you were able to help bring my business to the feet of Jesus. He has helped me so much and now that I’ve started taking action, I feel peace about where this is headed. Not for my glory, but for his alone and to serve young women.”

- Victoria, Texas

“Jessica is passionate, bold and honest. Because of the passion she has for God and the Testimony of her life, I was encouraged to take a leap of faith and take a huge risk by stepping into the unknown. She prayed powerful prayers asking for God's truth and boldness and protection. Jessica shares her drive and passion to encourage other sisters to thrive. Jessica is very easy to talk to. She has an open, warm and kind personality. Also she is very passionate about her calling. Because of this, she has a unique way of reminding me who I am. A beloved child of the Living God. She is driven and passionate for God and His children. I really struggled with feeling anxious about stepping into my ministry. I felt hesitant and did not know exactly which further steps to take. I was not feeling comfortable at all using social media. I did not want to get out of my comfort zone. Which is staying comfortable in the areas which I already knew very well. Jessica reminded me that I have been called by God and not by men to do His work. He created me to do the work he intended for me to do. He has a plan and purpose for me. She continued to remind me that the enemy tries everything to manipulate my thoughts and actions. She then reminded me that I am not created to win the approval of men, but of God. If I were to please people or myself then I would not be a servant of Christ. It was really the truth of God's word I needed to hear. I´m so glad I shared this struggle with Jessica, cause by the grace of God there has been an extreme breakthrough. And now step by step I'm trying to make my calling known online so that I can reach more people and proclaim God's Kingdom in the working field I am at. God is so Good.”

- Christine, Amsterdam

“Hi everyone! Last week I scheduled a 1-1 meeting with Jessica to just process what I felt the Lord was leading me to do, as well as some burdens that were on my heart that I wanted Him to heal. Jessica was patient and led me through where we both felt God was leading me to. She lets the Holy Spirit guide without interruption. I did receive the clarity and conviction I was praying for after our meeting. God is still using our conversation to show me areas He wants me to get into, as well as develop in me. Jessica also pointed out gifts I was dismissing within myself that I felt the Lord wanted to use and sanctify. Ultimately, only the Holy Spirit can truly give clarity, but if you’re looking for a safe space to process in and you feel His lead on it, book!”

- Mikayla, Canada

“This six month mastermind completely transformed my entire life. What I thought I knew about myself and the world before I started working with Jess has completely shifted. My whole world is different now, in the best way possible. I feel so aligned to my true purpose & I feel so good in my own skin because Jessica never pretended to know what was best for me. She always, always oriented me toward my own personal relationship with God. Before working with her I couldn’t even say the word God and now I have the most beautiful relationship with him. Her heart is so open and soft and pure and you know that she actually lives the work that she teaches. I always felt safe, heard, seen, validated, held, supported and loved by Jess and this amazing container of women. I got to grow so close and have deep, intimate relationships with incredible, strong, loving women that I never thought I’d have. I struggled with sisterhood wounding before this container and now I can tell you that all my relationships have completely transformed. Inside and outside the space she created. Being in her energy does something to your heart and spirit. I am softer, more open, more compassionate and more loving than I’ve ever been (while still keeping the fierce part of my personality). Everything I do now comes from pure love, whether it’s in my biz or in my life. I’ve never been so selfless and I’ve never felt more inner peace and love in my life. Thank you Jess for being a literal angel on earth. I hope to be in your energy forever, you are such a special human being. Forever and ever grateful for you. I love you!”

-Madi, California

“I’ve been working with Jess for 6 months and my life and my business have expanded so much since. My sessions with Jess were such a highlight in my week - she is loving, playful, supportive, and tapped in and I felt like every session was like hanging out with a sister filled with juicy downloads. She has such a graceful ability to see through blockages and call you to your power. She gave me the permission I thought I needed to run my business in a way that feels like such a turn on. I have become so much more confident charging what I desire and as a result started hitting 5 figure months! Jess’s container is so much more than business coaching though- she held me through some deep trauma work and relationship work with so much love. I love you, Jess. You’re such a gift to this world!”

- Maya, Hawaii

“Making the choice to let myself be coached by Jess was the best decision I have made in the last year. At first because of the investment I made in myself and how that was a big fucking yes towards myself as an ever evolving and worth of getting support as a feminine being. Second because having support from someone who I look up to, with so much wisdom, so much awareness and with such an open heart helped me to proces life on a deeper level. She made it possible to look deeper into my shadows, into my patterns while she was receiving everything of me in every moment. Respecting and loving me where I was in every given moment and gently guiding me into the directions of my desires. I felt so deeply connected, seen, loved and held by Jess. That is beyond words. I am forever gratefull for our time together and would make this choice again. Jess, you are truly one of the most loving human beings I have met. Thank you for you and the container you have given me where I could safely express myself and let myself be witnessed. I evolved multiple times in our time together. I FREAKING LOVE YOU! With all my love, Manon”

- Manon, Amsterdam

“I’m so grateful I took the leap to be coached with Jess. I feel cracked open in the way that I was able to share with her and I felt supported every step of the way. She helped me reclaim my power by being a witness to her doing so. I can’t even accurately describe the mindset shift and transformation that has taken place within 3 months but I feel like a new person. I have a new energy for life and the life I want to lead. I’m so thankful for our coaching container, thank you Jess.”

- Shannon, Connecticut

“I felt lost and alone. I was searching for all the answers and felt so confused as to how my life got to this point. Working with Jess truly opened my eyes to the power that is inside of me. She showed me that healing is possible, pain is real, and there is a way out on the other side. Her words and ideas challenged me in a way that I hadn't experienced before. It's exactly the mirror I needed to overcome my fears and dream BIG dreams. I am so glad that I shared part of the journey with her, it changed everything.”

- Sarah, Florida

“I just completed a 3 month intimate 1:1 container with Jessica. Her containers have such high intention and are so sacred, she holds space for ALL of you. I could feel it from the moment we started until the very last moment before it closed. I sought out coaching to have support with my new business (which totally happened!) but so much more came out of it. Almost as soon as our container began, parts of me came to the surface that were craving to be witnessed and integrated; parts of me that I didn’t even realize were energy leaks that were slowing down the progression of my business. Together we moved through blocks, wounds, traumas, as well as co-created beauty, magic, and tapped into some deep wisdom. She didn’t just help me launch my business but helped me remember the sacredness behind it all. If you feel the tug of desire to work with her, DO IT. Your future self will thank you. “

- Hélène Dubinsky, Nova Scotia

“Jessica was just the PERFECT coach for me. Her ability to support was so incredibly FREEING. She NOURISHED my inner child to feel perfectly seen, witnessed, and loved. How she encouraged my truest expression made this the most immensely valuable investment. Her GIFT of knowing exactly what to say is extremely powerful. I admire her love of God, her heart, sensuality, knowledge and alchemies. She knew how to hold space for me to feel safe expressing, and helped me uplevel in my confidence! So deeply fulfilling to work with, every call would make me giddy. It was an honor to be her client! Thank you for serving me so beautifully!”

- Denyse, Canada

”Working with Jessica over the last few months has been the most expansive time of my life thus far. Her radiance and total self acceptance has helped me take my chains of shame off of my shoulders. The second I invested in her coaching, the abundance wheels began turning in my life. I had been yearning for so much in my life and all at the same time it scared me to imagine. Jess held an incredibly divine space to help me to get to rooted stories and love them to the light. Within a month I was living in a new country embodying the goddess she reflected back to me, having conversations and asserting boundaries I was too afraid to do for YEARS. She invites a channel for glorious LIBERATION ~~ by the end of the three months I was living in the jungle with a dream community dancing and growing opportunities and passions every day. Thank you so much sister for holding the mirror and shining the limitless possibilities that life has to offer. I move differently, think differently, I even look different from months ago. This has been one of the biggest moves I have made for my journey, I’ve seen quantum leaps of self-love, self-acceptance pouring out into all aspects of my life. Infinite gratitude for you Angel!”

- Jensyn, Colorado

”Choosing to work with Jessica was the most beautiful, healing experience. Her presence and unconditional love made me feel so deeply seen and heard in my raw expression. I was able to share parts of myself that I’d never done before which has been so transformative. And that was all because the space created felt safe for me to do so. I felt safe to come undone, to share my truth and by doing so that allowed me to build inner trust with myself like never before. Having Jess as my mirror helped me realize my own strengths and gifts. Her codes activated me into delving deeper into the energetics of life/biz and I learnt to apply them first hand in my own experience. She was able to hold space whilst I journeyed through my own divine feminine awakening, which I’m so honored and grateful for. To be witnessed by another powerful woman whilst I reclaimed my own power is so sacred. Thank you endlessly for being you. I love and appreciate you.”

- Amy, England

“Working with Jess was phenomenal. She is powerful. She is literally helping women 1 by 1 step into their power and radiance. Our time together has been so transformative, heart-opening, and explorative. I have learned so much about myself and feel so empowered to create the life of my dreams. Thank you Jess a million times over for your incredible ability to hold space, to love, to guide, to encourage, to inspire.YOU ARE A QUEEN!”

- Caitlin, New York

“Working with Jess was a game changer. By working with her it allowed me to see the parts of myself ready and willing to be seen to work with them, bring love to them and integrate in a healthy way as part of my being. The 1:1 container set the space for me to deeper embody my soul's mission. I couldn't thank Jess enough for being such a safe space to do my deeper work in and to be witnessed by her. I would highly recommend her work.”

- Michelle, Canada

“Energy is the most potent language. And Jessica’s energy lights up a space with truth, radiance, and beautiful reflection. I can feel Jess’s authenticity and desire to show up in her truth in each moment- knowing that loving and accepting all parts of herself is a gift and a service to all of the women she works with, and encourages them to do the same. This authenticity is exactly what draws me into connecting with someone. Working with Jess so far has been an utter pleasure. Her innocence and sensual nature and willingness to express is inspiring. She provides a truly safe space for women such as I to express their truth. Joining one of Jess’s group containers has radically changed my life! At first I felt resistance to joining, but once I surrendered to the call I felt an instant activation. Even just by feeling the desire arise and by saying yes to it has made such a difference in my life. I’ve felt so much momentum pick up in the most beautiful way!The group calls + on spot coaching are my favorite parts of the group container! To witness each person unfolding and expressing & having Jess as a divine mirror is so nourishing. If you’re feeling deeply called to say yes to working with Jess, you’ll be supported by a loving angel who’s cheering you on and who understands the importance of the complete spectrum of human emotion + experience. Thank you Jess, loving you!”

- Brianna, Arizona

“Jessie, you really helped me to change the vision of my life and to release some deep trauma and shadows, holding space in a safe container where we are all free to express our feelings, while being held and witnessed by sisters.  PMG was definitely a big step in my inner growth. I'm still integrating. And that for me is the biggest inspiration to help others too! You have the gift of doing everything from your heart, and with a big sense of compassion and humbleness. That authenticity is your medicine and I honor you so much! Thank you from my heart mi amor.”

- Flavia, Costa Rica